Registered Scottish Charity Status

We are pleased to announce that our application to become a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) has been approved by The Office of the Scottish Charity Register (OSCR).  This will allow all future donations to qualify for gift...

Large Donation of Spectacles

Special Eyes Opticians, Glasgow have kindly donated a large supply of over 700 brand new spectacle frames.  These have already been transported to Pakistan in readiness for the next eye camp. May all the donors be rewarded for their kindness and generosity. ...

Covid 19 Delays

The aim for 2020 was to carry out a few more eye camps, providing glasses and facilitating more surgeries.  However due to travel restrictions and the COVID pandemic the team have not been able to travel to Pakistan, nor arrange a local eye camps.  We are keen to get...

Eye Camp Update

In April 2019 we screened 300 children and provided free spectacles to those who needed them.  In the same year in December 2019 we completed 5 rural eye camps, screened 1,100 women, children and elderly. There were over 600 spectacles dispensed and 26 cataract...