Our trustee Saddaqat Khan successfully climbed K2 base camp for Muslim charity to help build schools in rural villages and to raise awareness for Sight Relief. The weather was poor and local flights were cancelled so he started his journey from Islamabad to Skardu in a 22-hour coach adventure. Followed by another 12 hours off-roading in primitive jeeps before arriving at the starting point for the trek. The two-week trek was both physically and mentally challenging, but he successfully made it to the destination, and along the way managed to raise awareness for Sight Relief. Since then, we have been approached by several local non-profit organisations looking to support our mission.
If this is something, you would be interested in doing there may be another trek planned in 2023. If you would be interested, please reach out to express an interest via: info@sight-relief.org. Sight Relief are working on new adventures to raise funds for some exciting projects coming up in 2023.